Page is a unique experience where users can become more deeply connected with your business. . Users can express their support by adding themselves as a fan, writing on your Wall, uploading photos, and joining other fans in discussion groups. You can send updates to your fans regularly or just with special news or offers.
Social Ads increase the number of friends who will see the story when they visit Facebook, and you can also target the ads to specific demographics
Beacon is a part of Facebook's advertisement system that sends data from external websites to Facebook, ostensibly for the purpose of allowing targeted advertisements and allowing users to share their activities with their friends.
Facebook Beacon actions include purchasing a product, signing up for a service, adding an item to a wish list, and more.
Beacon enables your brand or business to gain access to viral distribution within Facebook.
Get answers from only the people you want to reach.
You can accurately target your Polls by gender, age, location, interests, and other demographic data. Your poll will only be shown to the people who meet your criteria.
With the easy-to-use creation interface, you can create and deploy a single-question poll within minutes. The polls will immediately start showing up in your target audience's News Feeds where they can respond as soon as they log in to Facebook. Based on the level of activity at that time, your question could be answered by hundreds of people in as little as 30 minutes.
You can create applications that integrate deeply into Facebook, harness the power of the social graph, and create new opportunities for your business. Facebook Platform provides you with the tools to quickly create custom experiences for users to interact with your business and their friends while maintaining the look and feel of the Facebook interface.
You can create an authentic social experience for your users by integrating your current web site or web application directly with the Facebook
Facebook Insight
This is similar to Google Analytic. It gathers insights on who's engaging with your presence on Facebook and help get valuable metrics about your presence and promotion on Facebook. With Facebook Insights, you have access to data on activity, fan demographics, ad performance, and trends.
You can refine your Social Ad target demographics, budgets and creatives based on Insights data to increase traffic to your Facebook Page or website and use the data to adjust the content of your Page and optimize for increased engagement with your customers and fans.
Begin with creating a facebook page. Create a beacon so our users and clients can be a part of your bussiness page. Depending on the response we could create polls to get feed back from the users. Facebook insight will give you a regular update of the campaign and help you improve on your facebook ad.
Think this advertising link is at the bottom of the Facebook page.