First you need to have a Facebook account
Then go to the bottom of the screen of the page and click “Advertisers”
Then you should come to this page
Click ‘get started’
Now you will enter into Facebooks 4 steps in setting up an ad
Please read guidelines before setting an ad
This step will be selecting where you want your visitors to go when they click the ad. You have two options:
1. Your website- just like Adwords or any advertisement.
2. A Facebook page – Facebook allows you to create a Page about your business. The idea is for people to become fans of your business and hence will increase the people who know about you.
Here you can save a lot of money by targeting people only interested in niche. This will lead to higher targeted traffic which however will lead to higher conversion of your products.
Facebook has a feature to show you approximately how many people you are targeting whenever you make a change in your target audience.
Nice details.